Monday, December 8, 2014

Final Newstrack: Lessons Learned throughout JO 304

Recently I've started keeping a journal of little tidbits I learn on my journey to becoming a "real-life" journalist. It's become something to force me to reflect on my progress throughout each project, highlighting the ups and downs as I move forward. Since JO 304 was a big part of that process this semester, I thought it would be nice to share some of the lessons I've learned along the way for my final news track blog. Please note that these are all little scraps of fleeting information I jot down in a moment's notice, so some may not be perfect, but they've helped me nonetheless.

-- Are your batteries charged? Do you have extra memory cards? If not, what are you even doing here? Technology may fail in a single moment, but that doesn't mean the story will stop for you.

-- What good are connections if you don't use them?

-- Research beforehand, and be prepared for a story to fall through. It happens. Where's your backup? What are you going to do next? How much time did you leave yourself for mishaps like this? (which are bound to happen, btw)

-- Do not put things off until the last minute. You're only hurting yourself.

-- Don't be afraid to walk up to people and ask for their help. You're shy, we get it. And, yes, some will say no, but some will say yes. That's all that really matters -- (the others you can just ignore because BU is so big you'll never see them again!!)

-- Be confident. (See above.)

-- Take initiative. Put yourself out there. Get noticed -- it feels good. (See above).

-- You are doing okay.

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